Friday, February 04, 2005


It was a busy month, as usual. Too many things to do, and I have to rearrange my planning this month. The first thing I canceled was writing a chapter for a book, and I really did not like it, however I just had the problem that I did not have enough time for this. Too much fragmentation of time, and that does not work out well.

This month we had the SPIE meeting, and several other meetings to prepare. Some casework, and then I experienced again that small errors can be made in reports if you take not enough time for them. If fast reports are requested the chances are higher for errors. It is difficult for management, since the main topic is delivery time of reports (and on average it can take 60 days or so) and quality. Several trajects have been started to speed up the results for projects and reports. At final a human being has to write the reports and to do the investigation. Of course we are always double checking reports and other expertises with at least one other colleague, however still errors are possible.

Next month the AAFS meeting, so also some work for the AAFS in preparing handouts and the presentations. I am really looking forward to this meeting in New Orleans.

My email server had a problem last week due to high traffic. With my ISP I discussed, and finally we solved the problem with a new Dual Xeon server which could filter more of the emails, and even now I have new options for the hosting of Zeno' Forensic Site, so I am thinking on adding some of these features soon.

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