Sunday, October 07, 2012

October 2012

September was as always a busy month, so not much time to write. Many reviews for articles, and rescheduling projects and making new project proposals. It is often not easy to explain technical issues or research projects to people that are not used to them, so the challenge is always to write clearly and receive as much feedback as possible, by directly asking non-technical people to explain what is written, and hear back if it is understood well. This is important in both forensic reports as well as project proposals.

At the start of October I enjoyed a week vacation in Bucharest. It was nice to see the different musea and buildings and some big shopping malls. I even saw some nice paintings of Rembrandt over there. In October I have to make preparations for a two days conference in the Netherlands on Digital Investigation which I am currently organizing together with a good team, so that should work well. Also I am looking forward to the ENFSI Forensic IT working group meeting in Rome later in October, where I am chairman of the working group. I visited in September during two days the ENFSI Digital Imaging Working group in Brussels, which was very well organized by NICC.

Of course, some casework, and currently also some students on different projects from several universities, on several topics, from camera identification, to forensic hand comparison and other body parts, super resolution and some research on iPhone forensics.

1 comment:

SIFS INDIA said...

Thanks for this!!!
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