Sunday, April 06, 2014

April 2014

Within forensic science there is more attention given to errors as such, as was also discussed within the NAS-report on Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States. Currently we see more publications within the forensic literature, for example Christensen urges that forensic scientists clearly communicate the different type of errors in forensic science such as :
- measurement uncertainties
- variations
- interobserver errors
- mistakes

Also different labs report on their website on these errors. Also Ate Kloosterman and colleagues discussed methods of reporting the errors in a workshop at the American Academy of Forensic Science in 2014.

Currently I also have projects that students work on, ranging from forensic implications of 3D-printers, to camera identification, stego-analysis and forensic feet comparison, and of course some casework were I work on. In quiet periods I do most casework, and currently some on camera identification. As program manager of Forensic Big Data and Intelligent Data Analysis it is good to see that much research within this field is going on. We focus on privacy, transparency and security in the design of these systems.

I also went to London for a meeting on updating the Forensic IT Best practice guide, which should also cover issues with cloud computing and cyber crime related investigations.

The First DFWRS EU conference is approaching, I am looking forward to this event in Amsterdam.