In November I was the second reader of the PhD defense of the thesis of Michael Gruhn at the FAU University in Erlangen on rootkit and anti forensics software and how this can impact forensic science.
In December I was one of the promotors of the PhD defense of the thesis of Paul Duyn on criminal networks and a data driven approach on the different criminal networks as a complex adaptive system at the University of Amsterdam.
The combination of both approaches might even give more new insights, and nowadays there appears to be a growing interest in forensic data science since new approaches can be developed for preventing crimes from happening and examining crimes after they were committed. A multi-disciplinary approach is important to learn from each other fields and work on new solutions for example on cybercrime or any new crime that is developing. Even if antiforensics solutions have been used, possibilities exist to find forensic relevant information that can be used in court.
I look forward to many new multidisciplinary approaches, for example one of the approaches on forensic big data analysis is with the consortium Essential, were 15 PhD positions are available that will work on a range of topics within information policy and law.
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