Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 2011

The month started with a week vacation, and then I had time to read and review. Of course it was also a busy month with casework, and we appeared to receive more cases then predicted, so there was not much time for other things. I also had time for several reviews this month, and was also invited for two keynote talks.

Within the Digital Imaging School at the NFI, I gave a course on Photo Response Non Uniformity and using this in practical cases. I tried to have much interaction, so it appeared to work. Also I went to Riga, Latvia for the preparation of our Forensic IT Working group meeting of ENFSI in September. We try to keep the costs low this time, since many government labs have budget cuts. Air fares to Riga tend to be low due several low cost airlines, and the hotels are not expensive. Of course the challenge is to get most of the meeting in collaboration and new projects, so we will have several workshops, and of course also on developments such as forensic examination of cloud computing and updating our best practice documents.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Zeno Great Blog, I will add a link from my site to yours!


Christopher J. Conner