Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 2012

This month starts busy, lots of cases often are submitted before the vacation starts. I also had several deadlines before August 1st, for example submission of abstracts for the AAFS conference in Washington DC next year.

Several students finished their thesis for their internship, unfortunately it is difficult to get a job in general forensic science now, however it van be easy in the field of forensic ICT, so currently I advise students to study informatics and forensics, since people are needed there at the moment.

I will present at two workshops at the European Academy of Forensic Science in the Hague in August, and one paper. I am looking forward to the conference, it is always nice to meet all colleagues. The ENFSI awards will also be granted at this meeting, where I am honored and thankful to receive the distinguished forensic scientist award. Also I had the honor to meet Queen Beatrix there.

Furthermore the ENFSI Forensic IT working group meeting in Rome in October seems to have many attendees registered. In September I am looking forward to be at the ENFSI Digital Imaging Working group in Brussels, however I will only be there for a part of the meeting. Also I am looking forward to the ICMedia conference in Brasilia where I will be one of the invited speakers in September.

1 comment:

SIFS INDIA said...

Thanks for this!!!
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